Monday, December 12, 2011

In the quiet of an evening

Just a little over two weeks and I will be in India. I sit here relishing every nook and cranny of my house. I love the quiet comfort of home, the hum of the refrigerator, the warmth of the furnace, and the calm spirit that prevails in the late or early hours of evening. I do my best thinking then. Alone and at peace, I wonder what the next few months will bring. How will I be changed? Will I make a difference in some child's life? Perhaps there will be another Mahatma Ghandi whose spirit will brush past mine. Or a little girl who may one day become whatever she desires to become. Will I be so privileged to live for a few short months among growing minds and spirits destined for greatness? Somehow, I am beginning to believe that it is not I that will give to India, but it is India's children who will restore my spirit, shore up my resolve, and daily strengthen me to be a good teacher. My faith, my hope, my plea, is that I will be prepared enough to know what to do and when to do it - and that everything I do will percolate with energetic love and compassion. This sounds like a prayer - and it is. Already, I feel my heart turning and molding and adjusting. If I close my eyes and turn out all the lights, I can see them - the children of India. And they call to me.


  1. Milestone here! I am the first one to comment on your India blog. Not many people heed a "pull" as you've felt. I'm sure it will be life-altering. You are a gifted and talented writer. Can't wait to hear "the rest of the story".

  2. You will be great. I will share this with my students and it will be fun to follow your journey.

  3. You are ready for this journey...I hear it in your prayer...just know our prayer for you is that your prayer will be answered...blessings to you, dear friend...

  4. Beautiful post! Ben and I will be anxiously looking forward to your updates. Best of luck :) Tell India Ben says hello.

  5. I wait with anticipation each new blog.

  6. Betty, you touch the lives of every person you come in contact with. You have compassion. You find joy where others can't see it. How could you go there and not make a difference!
    You are my hero Betty.
