Wednesday, January 11, 2012

Heel lotion or hair removal? I don't think so.

This morning, one of the 'housemaids' came to me with a tube in her hand and wanted to know what it was. Her English is very limited and I don't speak Tamil. I looked at the tube and then at her and I knew I had a problem. First, she gestured toward her heel and wondered if the tube was a cream to soften feet and heels. I said, "Um, no, that's not it." Then she wanted to know if it was for removing body hair. "Uh, no." What she had was a tube of anti-Hemorrhoidal cream that someone had thrown out. How was I going to explain this? Finally, through a combination of hand gestures and frowning, (lots of frowning),  I told her it was for people who had a difficult time going to the bathroom. When the definition finally dawned on her, she turned in embarrassed disgust and chucked it clear across the patio. Then we both sat and laughed. No need to translate laughing. Maybe I should retrieve the tube and try it on my heels. Couldn't hurt to try. Or would it?


  1. ACTUALLY, I have read in some beauty magazines that the use of hemorroidal (sp?) cream is very effective on rough heels and skin...NOT that I have tried it or anything....hahahahahahaha! diane

  2. Well, no one wants hemorrhoids on their heels, now do they?

  3. HAHAHAHAHA!!!! I haven't laughed that hard all day. That is a CLASSIC story!! Seriously Betty, I hope you're planning to turn this blog into a book. Reminds me of a updated Betty McDonald "The Egg and I" kind of story.

    ~still laughing~

  4. I thought that hemrrhoid cream was to reduce swelling, which means that it pulls moisture out by osmolarity. Wouldn't that dry out your heals? I really don't know for sure, but the intended use was not to make something softer. It was to reduce swelling.

    I've heard of applying to the puffy eyes to as a means to reduce swelling. But again, what do I know.
