Sunday, January 8, 2012

Your 200 Word Essay Assignment

This is a timed test. In 200 words or less, describe the benefits of an Indian toilet over an American Toilet. You will be graded highly if you mention proper posture, appropriate stance, perfect balance, and the cheerful countenance always present when using an Indian toilet. Extra points will be given if you actually demonstrate the technique required. Your paper will be marked down significantly if you use swear words, damn India to hell, or "slip up". Of course, if you fall in, you will be given a zero and fail this portion of your Indian Civil Service Exam.


  1. I am looking at this and trying desperately to figure out how I would use this....I wonder if they have "Depends" in India...diane

  2. I have a friend that lived in China and they had these toilets. She said she hated the public ones, the floor was always slippery around them and her daughter slipped and fell in the gunk that was on the floor around the toilet!

  3. Ew. But, let's look on the bright side! I read a random article about a month ago that said that studies have shown that women who do "deep squats" several times a day rarely have incontinence problems. Something about stretching out all those ligaments and muscles in a way we rarely do any more. Woo hoo! Bladder control for everyone!

  4. Rachel - somebody told me about that deep squat thing, too. I think it's true. Thanks for reminding me of the importance of multi-tasking.

  5. Actually, I heard on the radio a while ago that among some of the other things that Americans do wrong (like cleaning our ears with Q-tips) is going #2 because excretion is easier when the human body is in the squatting position. Brittany suggested that we get stools for all of our bathrooms. HA! How's that for a pun?

  6. Matthew! You're reading my blog! I'm so excited about that! It will spur me on to greater heights in an effort to be entertaining. Great pun. But I can tell you that older people don't do the squat thing quite as nicely as they used to.

  7. There is an outfit in New Zealand that sells something to allow American the same health benefits of your pictured porcelain brevity.
    They can be found at

    I'm afraid I would fall off/in/through a number of things if I tried it.
