Thursday, January 19, 2012

Bathroom Hygiene and the Three Stooges.

Aren't they just little dears? Don't you think they are so darling? Well, so do I, but there are certain things I know about these little stooges that you may not be aware of. (never end a sentence with a preposition). But I digress. For translation purposes, let's just call these handsome dudes, Larry, Curly, and Moe. Their actual names look something like this: Sujathashankar,Rajeshmegala, and Mahalakshmipriya. You might understand why I would prefer just calling them the three stooges.

What do these little darlings have in common with toilet paper? Drum roll, please. The correct answer would be NOTHING. Indians do not use toilet paper. In fact, they find that whole Western concept revolting. I, on the other hand, a confirmed Westerner, have a significant issue with Indian toilet hygiene. Indians eat with their right hands. Always. There is a good reason for that. They WIPE with their left hands.

Then they come to school, touch my face, my hair, my pens, my clothes, my hands . . . . . . .well, you get the picture. But the real challenge is eating at the same dining hall with 230 Indian children and adults who WIPE with their left hands. Never mind the flies, gnats, bugs, and gloppy food sitting out in the open air, but watching everyone wash their plates in cold water with no soap, with their left hands? . . . . . . . . .well, I'm just not hungry enough. Yet. But I'm getting closer and closer. So wipe on, you little stinkers. I love how you chase me down the hallways, want to carry my bag, and ask me for the umpteenth time why I call you the "Three Stooges". It's a Western thing, kind of like using toilet paper. Just don't ever invite me to dinner. Okay?

Mrs. Ottley, please use your disgression on whether or not you will be sharing this little post. :) Or maybe you could build a lesson unit around it and sing "Wash your hands After Going to the Bathroom". Cool, huh?


  1. Grace must have memories of these types of activities because she is a compulsive hand washer....God knew she really needed to live in America where she could live her dreams of EXTREME cleanliness...Thank you, God! diane

  2. In some parts of Indonesia, they grow out their left pinky nail for the same purpose. I imagine that would cause some damage. Maybe that's where you ought to ship that hemorrhoid cream you found the other day.

    I can't believe they think you're weird for using TP! So if they were given the option between their left hand and a roll of toilet paper, they'd choose the hand?

  3. I wonder if the Boy Scout handshake is done with the right hand in India. If not, I'm joing girl scouts.

  4. Matthew - just when I thought it wasn't possible to be grossed out even more, you managed to do it. Growing out a left pinky nail???? I think I am going to write that Indian Weight Loss Book after all. Yes, it's true that Indians actually believe that it's US with the poor bathroom hygiene. In fact, when an Indian absolutely has to use a western-style toilet, he/she stands on it rather than sits on it. There are signs posted on western-style toilet stalls prohibiting Indians from standing on the toilet seats. This is not a joke. And toilet paper? Indians think that's the worst invention of Western Civilization.

  5. Garth, I haven't seen any boy scouts. If I did, I would scream to be carried across the street by a true boy scout. You might try joining the girl scouts just to be on the safe side. You might earn some really crafty merit badges.

    1. As long as they have a box of Thin Mints or Samoas, I'm there.

      I enjoy your posts.

  6. I'm starting a list of things to send to betty:
    1. shoes for goat children
    2. TP
    3. Hand sanitizer

    Keren had her baby this morning. All seems to be well and he is in the NICU but not in terrible distress. He was 6 weeks early, not too bad! Going to meet Kyle Henry Horner this evening and will keep you posted on their progress!

  7. I just threw up in my mouth. I can never go to India. Ever.

  8. As a Mom of 5 sons, we have what I call the "toxic waste dump" bathroom. What about the concept of bathroom cleanliness escapes these heathens? Any my monsters have no excuses, they have hot, running water and plenty of soap. Blech!
