Wednesday, January 4, 2012

The Indian "Bobble Head"

The Indian people have a fascinating thing they do with their heads. It looks very much like what a 'bobble head' doll on your car's dashboard would do, but it's harder to learn how to do it than you might think. I've been working on it for DAYS. This is my life now. Learning to Bobble Head like a true Indian. The technique is an up and down, simultaneous sideways movement of the head and every Indian, young or old, does it pretty much about a thousand times a day. What meaning does it convey? It can mean "Yes", "No", "Maybe", "I understand every word you're saying, but I'm going to pretend I don't", "There's a poisonous snake you're about to step on", "I'm thinking of killing you, but I would first like to give you notice." In other words, the Bobble Head means just about anything. I practice it daily because I will be able to add my own meanings. Soon, my students will become acutely aware that MY bobble head means, "SIT DOWN AND SHUT UP". Oh. Didn't mean to be rude, but that's the beauty of the Bobble Head. You can say the meanest, rudest, nicest, loving things without saying anything out loud at all. It's your choice. So. Everybody. All together now. LET'S BOBBLE HEAD!


  1. HHHHooowww aarree yyoouu? I'm speaking and bobbling at the same time! Is that ok or must the bobble always be done in silence to dilute the meaning? I LOVE your blog! (I mean...IIII lllooovvee yyoouurr bblloogg!)

  2. Very nice! It is hard to do without looking like an American.

  3. When speaking English with an Indian accent, don't you have to bobble your head up and down to get the accent correct? NO? Hmmm ... yet another stereotype shot down!

  4. This is so weird. As I was reading your post my head atomatically started to "bobble"....diane
