Friday, February 24, 2012

Does anyone know what the date is?

I seem to have mis-placed my calendar and the date thingie on my watch is broken. Seriously. I could use an update. I know tomorrow is Saturday . . . . . That's about it.

Do you remember the movie, "Castaways" with Tom Hanks? If you don't, here's a short synopsis: After a terrible airplane wreck, Tom's stranded alone on a desert island with just himself for company. After a lot of hard work, he manages to crack open a coconut and get a drink of water. Then he goes on to do his own dental work, make his own loin cloth, and engage in some serious fishing. Along the way, he becomes great friends with a soccer ball named 'Wilson'.

I don't think about that movie in the same way anymore. If I could find a soccer ball, I would paint a face on it and talk to it. I understand Tom's motivations now. I need my family and friends. I will appreciate all of you more, hug you more, tell you that I love you more often . . . . . . I miss your familiar and understanding faces, your cheerfulness, your love, and the warmth of your smiles. You are all my special 'Wilsons' and my life would be so empty without each of you. I have had an opportunity to spend time without you now. Though I can return home to all of you knowing that I worked hard, loved much, and left a little corner of India better off, I know now that I can't live without you. Any of you. I am alone without you.

So . . . . . . . . I never said it often enough, seldom let it get so sentimental, and heaven knows, was rarely deserving of such friends and family, here is my love to each of you. Thank you. Thank you so much for everything.

So please. Could somebody please tell me what the date is?


  1. Sending lots of love back to you, Betty.... di

  2. Second star to the right and straight on till morning.

    1. Garth, I have no idea what this meant. I'm so shallow. But for some reason, I teared up when I read it. Thanks.

    2. Cute! Why it's peter pan of course! What a creative reply. Has deep meaning if you have the time to think about it. Or not if you don't.

  3. It's Howdy Doody Time, it's Howdy Doody Time ... Love, Buckskin Bethany :)

  4. You're almost half-way done with your stint in India. Has your time gone fast or slow?

  5. I'm not going to be much help. I keep checking the calandar because with this amazing warm weather it surely must June or July already. Thank goodness Feb is on the way out the door. One step closer to possibly remembering what month it actually is. LOL
