Friday, February 17, 2012

"The earth provides enough to satisfy every man's need, but not every man's greed. - Mahatma Ghandi

Okay. India, (especially your corrupt government), here are a few statistics that tell the REAL story about you:

You're in denial. And here's why. You have a dark side. It's the poverty of your people. You account for over 36 percent of the entire world's poor. Nearly 40 percent of the world's malnourished children live with you. Over 77 percent of your population has been classified as 'poor and vulnerable'. Your chronic caste and religious tensions pale in significance to, and are often the result of, poverty.

India, you suffer from some short-sighted optimism, both at home and throughout the world. You are drunk on visions of grandeur. You will never become the world's "next superpower" until you do something about your millions of desperately poor. Instead of waiting for the wealth to 'trickle down', how about you try generating wealth from the bottom up?

You can start by cleaning out the rampant corruption and graft of your government. Then you can find a little national pride and stop relying on foreign countries and NGOs to care for and feed your poor. Get a little gumption, India. Step up to the plate and assume responsibility for cleaning up the stinking cesspool of your non-existent programs for the poor.

Okay. Enough editorializing. I just had to say it. India could be a beautiful country if it weren't a massive garbage dump in all but a few enclaves of wealth and power.

Done. Mom, I'm going to get arrested for sure for writing this post. Please send peanut butter.


  1. Maybe they could use some of the money they spend on (or make from) producing Bollywood films, and put it to better use. It's sad how those films don't represent much of the real India.

    1. Right on the money, Becky. I have now seen about a dozen Bollywood movies. None of them represent the actual India.

  2. Sad. How do the street urchins survive? Through public garbage? Are there rescue attempts like free hot meals anywhere?

  3. Susan, if there are services at all, they are provided by other countries and NGOs from other countries, but the need is overwhelming. Most of India's neediest poor live in remote, rural areas difficult for foreign charities to reach. The street urchins survive on whatever they can find. They usually form a kind of 'family' beggar gang and they get by somehow,but it isn't pretty. India provides little, if any, public assistance and it's the bare minimum at that. Public hospitals or public anything of any kind is beyond my words to describe in terms of filth, inadequacy, supplies, etc.
